• InVar

InVar IR-drop and Thermal Analysis

Silvaco’s InVar®  performs IR-drop and thermal analysis on analog and mixed-signal IC designs.

Analysis of IR-drop and thermal effects have traditionally been a significant bottleneck in the physical verification of transistor level designs such as analog circuits, high-speed IOs, custom digital blocks, memories and standard cells. This is due to the need for accurate and increasingly complex analysis to be performed on designs that are progressively larger in size. For example, FinFET’s increased current density and thermal profile failure rate probabilities that must be managed with careful analysis and design.

InVar’s hierarchical methodologies overcomes these hurdles and accurately models IR-Drop and thermal effects for designs ranging from single block to full-chip. Its patented concurrent electro-thermal analysis performs simulation of multiple physical processes together. InVar utilizes a true SPICE simulation engine, not simplified device models, for precision and applies parallel processing techniques to achieve performance. The result is physical measurement-like accuracy with high speed even on extremely large designs and applicability to all process nodes including FinFET technologies.

For a broad range of designs including processors, wired and wireless networks, sensors, high current ICs, sensors and displays, Silvaco’s InVar provides a user-friendly environment designed to assist quick turn-around-times and trouble free tape-outs.


  • Comprehensive IR-drop analysis gives full visibility of supply networks from top-level connectors down to each transistor. Hierarchical block modeling reduces runtime and memory and keeps accuracy of true flat run.
  • Thermal analysis scales from single cell design to full chip and provides lab-verified accuracy of thermal analysis. Feedback from thermal engine to IR-drop engine ensures accuracy.


  • Accuracy verified in lab and foundries
  • Full chip sign-off with accurate and high performance analysis
  • Analysis available early in the back end design, when more design choices are available
  • Pre-characterization not required for analysis
  • Easy learning curve
  • Broad range of technology nodes supported


  • Analog and mixed-signal designs

Analog Custom Design Resources

Analog Custom Design and Analysis



Parasitic Extraction


Model Generation

Utmost IV

Analog Simulation





Customer Interview: Why I Rely on SmartSpice


Cameron Fisher
  MSC has found SmartSpice™ to be an excellent value in terms of easy integration, debug run time and total cost of simulation. Support during our learning curve has been great. MSC will be using SmartSpice™ for all future memory complier development.