Library Characterization and Optimization

FinFET and FDSOI Cell Library Development​

Auto Cell-layout Generation and Optimization

Complete Characterization and Analysis Solution​

Library Characterization and Optimization

FinFET and FDSOI Cell Library Development​

Auto Cell-layout Generation and Optimization

Complete Characterization and Analysis Solution​

Library Characterization and Optimization

The Silvaco Library Platform is the most comprehensive tool suite for efficient creation and validation of digital cell libraries.  It is engineered to support libraries containing thousands of cells.


Library Optimization


Viola Cell Library Characterization and Variation Modeling


SmartSpice Circuit Simulator


Liberty Analyzer for Liberty Files

Library Optimization

Cello is the industry’s most versatile, integrated and easy-to-use solution for digital cell library optimization. It enables designers of digital CMOS ICs to custom-tailor digital cell libraries and explore the impact of alternate device models, design rules and cell architectures.

Library Characterization

Viola is a unique, all-inclusive package for fast and accurate characterization of digital cell libraries. The package includes a powerful SPICE-based characterization engine with fully automated stimulus generation, a library model checker and a databook generator.

Liberty File Analysis

Liberty Analyzer™ displays, analyzes, compares, and validates Liberty™ files for timing, power, noise, and area. Liberty Analyzer handles multiple NLDM, NLPM, CCS, ECSM, and LVF models at library, cell, pin, and individual arc levels while providing insightful statistical data.


Standard Cell Layout Migration and Optimization