Editing : Examples Covering Editing Features
- 001_eip : Edit-In-Place Feature
- 002_drc_assist : DRC Assist
- 003_abutment : Automatic Device Linking (Abutment)
- 004_flight_lines : Wire Flight Lines Guide
- 005_short_locator : Node Probing and Short Locator
- 006_trace_conn : Trace Physical Net Connectivity (Node probing)
- 007_shared_libs : Shared (Multi-User) library access in Expert
- 008_snap_to_pin : Wire flight lines guide (Snap to pin mode)
- 009_pcell_cache : Using cache PCells for performance reasons
Additional Info:
These examples are for reference only. Every software package contains a full set of examples suitable for that version and are installed with the software. If you see examples here that are not in your installation
you should consider updating to a later version of the software.