: Calculating Well Isolation and Source/Drain Capacitance
Requires: CLEVER Version 3.6.10 or Later
This example demonstrates how to:-
- Include well isolation depletion capacitance in the calculation.
- Include source/drain depletion capacitance in the calculation.
- Specify cyclical cell boundary conditions for emulating cascaded cells.
Including Well Capacitance in the Field Solver Parasitic Extraction
Diode isolated wells can be treated as a separate volume of silicon that is separated from the bulk wafer by a layer of insulator where the insulator thickness is the silicon depletion width and the insulator has the same permitivity as silicon.
For a first order calculation, the depletion width of a diode separated well or source/drain region increases with the square root of the doping concentration of the lowest doped side of the junction. If you don't know the depletion width of the junctions, a good approximation can be obtained from the following formula:
Depletion Width (um) = SQRT ( 1e15 / Doping )
where the Doping is the volume doping of the lightly doped side of the junction in atoms/cm3. So for 1e15/cm3 doping, use 1um, for 1e17/cm3, use 0.1um and for 1e19/cm3 use 0.01um etc.
In this example, the depletion region of the N-Well is simulated by first etching the silicon to the depth of the N-Well in the masked N-Well regions, and then by depositing a 0.1um thick film of a user defined material called "Nwell_Depletion" which is assigned a permittivity of 11.8 to match the permittivity of silicon. The presumption here is that the nwell is bounded by a volume p-doping concentration of approximately 1e17/cm3. Finally, the N-Well is then filled with silicon to represent the neutral region of the N-Doped well.
Including Well Capacitance in the Field Solver Parasitic Extraction
Simulating the Source/Drain diodes is the same process as the N-Well procedure described above, but with a thinner depletion insulating region of 0.02um to represent the higher doping in these regions. The depletion capacitance of the source-drain diodes is simulated by using a user defined material called "SD_Depletion" and assigning it a permittivity of 11.8. If you wish to remove this capacitance from the SPICE Netlist because it is decided to use the source/drain capacitance assigned to the active device model, then define the user defined material called "SD_Depletion", a permittivity value of say 0.1 such that the capacitance calculated will add less than 1% error to the SPICE Model Capacitance. Do not assign any insulator a permittivity of zero, as this will cause discontinuities in the field solver
Specifying Cyclical Cell Boundary Conditions for Emulating Cascaded Cells
The simulated Inverter Cell in this example is cascadable such that numerous identical cells could be cascaded together to make a ring oscillator. For this application, it is more appropriate to specify "CYCLIC" boundary conditions rather that the default "MIRROR" boundary conditions. To specify CYCLIC boundary conditions, on the Interconnect Statement, specify:
To load and run this example, select the Load button in DeckBuild > Examples. This will copy the input file and any support files to your current working directory. Select the Run button in DeckBuild to execute the example.
Input Deck
go victoryprocess init layout=clex21.lay RuleFile=clex21.lmp depth=1 Material=Silicon # Isolate the N-Well From the P-Substrate by Simulating Well Depletion deposit material=Nwell_Depletion thick=0.1 max etch material=Nwell_Depletion mask=NWELL deposit Material=silicon thick=0.4 max etch material=silicon thick=0.45 max mask=AA reverse deposit material=oxide thick=0 max # Isolate Source Drain Diodes by simulating Diode Depletion Regions etch material=silicon thick=0.2 max mask=N_SD reverse etch silicon thick=0.2 max mask=P_SD reverse deposit material=SD_Depletion thick=0.02 conformal etch material=SD_Depletion thick=0.02 max deposit material=silicon thick=0 max electrode mask=*CONT material=silicon deposit material=gate_ox thick=0.004 max etch material=gate_ox mask=GATES deposit material=oxide thick=0 max deposit material=polysilicon thick=0.1 max etch material=polysilicon mask=POLY electrode mask=*GATE material=polysilicon deposit material=spacer_ox thick=0.1 conformal etch material=spacer_ox thickness=0.1 dry deposit material=oxide thick=0.3 max etch material=oxide thick=0.44 max mask=CONT reverse deposit material=aluminum thick=0.2 max etch material=aluminum thick=0.22 max mask=M1 electrodes mask=CONT material=aluminum deposit material=oxide thick=0.4 max etch material=oxide thick=0.44 max mask=VIA1 reverse deposit aluminum thick=0.3 max etch material=aluminum thick=0.33 max mask=M2 deposit oxide thick=0.5 max deposit nitride thick=0.1 max save name=clex21_0 go clever init layout="clex21.lay" map="clex21.lmp" Structure="clex21_0.str" material silicon conductivity=100 material material("Nwell_Depletion") permittivity=11.8 material material("SD_Depletion") permittivity=11.8 material material("gate_ox") permittivity=0.01 material material("spacer_ox") permittivity=3.9 save structure="clex21.str" interconnect adapt=(0.05,0.05) DomainBoundaryCondition=CYCLIC save spice=""