: Non Planarized, Low k Dielectric Capacitance Analysis
Requires: CLEVER
This example demonstrates the ability of CLEVER to deposit and field solve non planarised, multi-layer films for interconnect capacitance analysis using CLEVER. The simulation is run in 2D as there is little to be gained by running the demonstration in 3D. The user may force the simulator to do the full 3D simulation by simply commenting out the cut line statement, together with the TonyPlot statement (since in this case there will be no 2D structure for TonyPlot to plot). As with example 14, the message:
Warning: point is outside of layout domain
in the runtime output may be ignored since the program is merely informing the user that the cut line is bigger than the mask size due to the use of the padding statement which creates a larger boarder volume in order to improve accuracy.
To load and run this example, select the Load button in DeckBuild > Examples. This will copy the input file and any support files to your current working directory. Select the Run button in DeckBuild to execute the example.
Input Deck
go VictoryProcess ##### First do Low k Calculation ###### Init Layout=clex14.lay Depth=1 Material=Silicon from=0 to=11 at=6.75 \ Gasheight=3 Resolution=0.125 Deposit Material=Oxide Thickness=0.5 Max Deposit Material=Aluminum Thickness=0.8 Max Etch Material=Aluminum Mask=MET1 Electrodes Mask=MET1 Material=Aluminum Deposit Material=Oxide Thickness=0.05 Conformal Deposit Material=LoK Thickness=0.05 Max Deposit Material=Oxide Thickness=0.5 Max Save Name=clex14_0 ## Mesh the Structure ## go victorymesh load in=clex14_0 remesh conformal save out=clex14_2D.str mode=clever Tonyplot clex14_2D.str ## Extract Capacitance of LoK Structure ## go Clever init Structure="clex14_2D.str" Material Material("LoK") Permittivity=2.0 Interconnect Capacitance AdaptC=0.01 Save Spice="" ##### Now do Standard k calculation ##### go Clever Init Structure="clex14_2D.str" Material Material("LoK") Permittivity=4.0 Interconnect Capacitance AdaptC=0.01 Save Spice="" quit