: Local Interconnect - MOS Current Source
Requires: CLEVER
This example demonstrates the use of CLEVER to analyze non planerised structures such as local interconnects commonly used in current sources and in memory cells. To emphasise the true 3D capability CLEVER, a MOSFET with TiN (titanium nitride) local interconnect between drain and gate is implemented using a trench isolation structure together with realistic layer depositions.
The 3D structure is created using the 3D process simulator VictoryProcess, and is then loaded into Clever for the resiistance extraction.
At the end of the 3D process simulation, a 2D cutline of the structure is plotted to show a representative cross sectional view of the created device. This 2D cross section may be plotted without running the simulation from the stored structure file called "clex13_2D.str" by using the standard tonyplot program. The 3 dimensional structure file can be plotted using tonyplot3d. It should be noted that when using the padding command to create a wider boarder around the masks in conjunction with the cut line statement, a warning in the runtime output will occur informing the user that the cutline defined is larger than the mask area. This is to be expected since the padding command generates a larger simulation volume. This warning can therefore be ignored.
The resistance of the local interconnect is extracted using the Interconnect Resistance Adapt statement in the usual way after defining the conductivity of the TiN material. The value of the extracted resistance is stored in
To load and run this example, select the Load button in DeckBuild > Examples. This will copy the input file and any support files to your current working directory. Select the Run button in DeckBuild to execute the example.
Input Deck
##### 3D MOS-FET SIMULATION WITH LOCAL INTER-COMNNECT ##### go victoryprocess init Layout=clex13.lay material=silicon Depth=1.0 gasheight=2 padding=3 option cartesian.spacing.on cartesian mask=LOCOS spacing=0.1 cartesian mask=POLY spacing=0.5 cartesian mask=CONT spacing=0.2 cartesian mask=SD spacing=0.5 cartesian mask=INT spacing=0.5 ## Pad oxide ## Deposit material=Oxide Thickness=0.01 Max ## LOCOS ## Deposit material=Nitride Thickness=0.1 Max Etch Material=Nitride Thickness=0.2 Max Mask=LOCOS Oxidize thickness=0.572 Etch material=Nitride Max ## Gate ## Deposit material=Polysilicon Thickness=0.2 conformal Etch Material=Polysilicon Max Mask=POLY ## Deposit Local Interconnect Oxide ## Deposit material=Oxide Thickness=0.04 conformal Etch Material=Oxide max Mask=OXIDE Reverse ## Deposit Local Interconnect ## Deposit Material=TiNi Thickness=0.06 Conformal Etch Material=TiNi Mask=INT ## Deposit BPSG ## Deposit Material=BPSG Thickness=0.7 conformal Etch Material=BPSG Mask=CONT Reverse ## Source-Drain Contacts ## Etch material=Oxide min Mask=CONT Reverse Deposit material=Aluminum Thickness=0.4 conformal Etch Material=Aluminum Mask=SD Electrodes mask=SD material=Aluminum save name=clex13_0 ## Create Mesh for Clever Extraction ## go victorymesh load in=clex13_0 remesh conformal save out=clex13_3D.str mode=clever ## Parasitic Extraction ## go clever Init Layout="clex13.lay" structure="clex13_3D.str" Material TitaniumNitride Conductivity=187000 Interconnect Resistance AdaptR=0.05 Save Spice="" ##### NOW DO A 2D CUTLINE AND PLOT IN 2D ##### go clever Init Layout="clex13.lay" structure="clex13_3D.str" Cut line=(0, 13.5, 27, 13.5) Save Structure="clex13_2D.str" tonyplot clex13_2D.str