: Metal Elbows with Manhattan Geometry
Requires: CLEVER
CLEVER is used in this example to simulate an "L" shaped metal region, often found in custom cells, which is insulated from the silicon substrate by a 0.5um oxide layer. The processing steps are very simple requiring only etching and deposition.
As with any CLEVER simulation the process etching steps are driven from a layout file generated from MaskViews. This file will be included in the support files when this example is loaded.
A basic etch and deposition model is used whereby a uniformly thick layer of metal is deposited and etched. This results in the classical "manhattan" geometry where the rectangular shaped structures have the appearance of a Manhattan skyline.
Once the process simulation is complete the three-dimensional structure is saved with the Save statement and can be plotted using TonyPlot3d.
Finally the interconnect parasitic extraction is carried out using the Interconnect statement. Firstly, however, the material parameters of silicon are defined using the Material statement so that in this case silicon "inherits" the same material properties as silicon. In this example only the parasitic capacitance values are calculated from the field solver. During this calculation automatic mesh adaption is performed with the Adapt parameter whereby the mesh is modified until the error in the capacitance extraction is reduced to the default maximum of 5% of the capacitance. The structure and the SPICE netlist are then saved.
To load and run this example, select the Load button in DeckBuild > Examples. This will copy the input file and any support files to your current working directory. Select the Run button in DeckBuild to execute the example.
Input Deck
go VictoryProcess ## Process Description ## Init Layout=clex01.lay Material=silicon Depth=1 Deposit Material=Oxide Thickness=0.5 Max Deposit Material=Aluminum Thickness=0.5 Max Etch Material=Aluminum Thickness=0.5 Max Mask=MET1 Electrodes Mask=MET1 Material=Aluminum Deposit Material=Oxide Thickness=1 Max Save Name=clex01_0 ## Parasitic Extraction ## go clever Init Structure="clex01_0.str" Material Silicon Inherit(Oxide) Interconnect Capacitance AdaptC=0.02 Save Spice="" quit