008_save_recover : Save/Recover functionality
Requires: SmartSpice & Smartview
Minimum Versions: SmartSpice 4.6.5.R, SmartView 2.26.1.R
Example 8 demonstrates a circuit input deck where a .TRAN anlysis is performed and the save/recover feature is used. Rubberband the parameter cload[cap] to see the influences on circuit performance.
Input Files
*Rubberband Save/Recovery Feature example * Rubberband parameters: * CLOAD[cap] VIN 1 0 DC 0 SIN(0 0.1 5MEG) AC 1 VCC 8 0 DC 10 VEE x3.9 0 DC -12 RS1 1 2 1K RS2 5 0 1K RC1 3 8 10K RC2 4 8 10K RBIAS 7 8 20K CLOAD 3 4 5PF m=5 Q1 3 2 6 QNL Q2 4 5 6 QNL Q3 6 7 x3.9 QNL Q4 7 7 x3.9 QNL .MODEL QNL NPN(BF=80 RB=100 CCS=2PF TF=0.3NS TR=6NS CJE=3PF CJC=2PF + VA=50) .TRAN 5NS 500NS from_step=100n 420n 10n to=450NS .save v(4) .OPTIONS ACCT RELTOL=0.001 NOMOD .END