007_resistor_bridge : Resistive Bridge with one arm as sensor
Requires: SmartSpice & Smartview
Minimum Versions: SMARTSPICE 4.6.5.R
The input deck simulates a resistive bridge circuit where one arm is a sensor and .DC and .MEASURE analysis are performed on the circuit. Rubberband the ".param RNOM_SENS" parameter to see effect of changing the resistor and therefore the balance of this bridge-configured circuit.
Input Files
* SENSOR BRIDGE * Rubberband parameters: * .PARAM RNOM_SENS - sensor output volatage .OPTION NOMOD VBIAS 1 0 DC 10 * * INSTRUMENTATION BRIDGE * .PARAM RNOM=1K .PARAM RNOM_SENS=1K RB2 1 3 RNOM RB4 3 0 RNOM RB1 1 2 RNOM * * RESISTIVE SENSOR (VOLTAGE CONTROLLED) * XSENSOR 2 0 10 0 V_CONT_R * * XSENSOR CONTROL VOLTAGE * VCONT 10 0 DC 1.0 RD1 10 0 1G * * SUBCIRCUIT FOR VOLTAGE CONTROLLED RESISTOR * RESISTOR - 1,2 CONTROL - 4,5 * .SUBCKT V_CONT_R 1 2 4 5 ERES 1 3 VALUE = { I(VSENSE) * RNOM_SENS * V(4,5) } VSENSE 3 2 DC 0 .ENDS * * ANALYSIS * .PARAM DC_START=0.5 DC_STOP=1.5 .DC LIN VCONT DC_START DC_STOP 0.01 * * VIEW RESULTS * .SAVE DC Vsensout='v(2)-v(3)' * * MEASURES * .MEASURE dc Vsensout_min POINT v(2,3) ARG0 = DC_START .MEASURE dc Vsensout_cent POINT v(2,3) ARG0 = "DC_START+(DC_STOP - DC_START)/2" .MEASURE dc Vsensout_max POINT v(2,3) ARG0 = DC_STOP .MEASURE dc Vsensout_width param='Vsensout_max-Vsensout_min' .END