005_op-amp_descrete_transistors : OP AMP - descrete transistors
Requires: SmartSpice & Smartview
Minimum Versions: SMARTSPICE 4.6.5.R
Run the input deck simulats an Operational Amplifier with .AC and .NOISE analysis. This demonstrates grouping parameters to change together rather than single parameters. Rubberband transistor geometries m*[l],m*[w] to vary both the width and length of devices and see the change in performance.
Input Files
* Schematic name: opamp * Rubberband parameters: * m1[l] m1[w] m2[l] m2[w] m3[l] m3[w] m4[l] m4[w] m5[l] m5[w] m6[l] m6[w] C1 NET4 GND 5p I1 net5 NET6 DC 10u M1 NET3 NET2 NET1 GND nch L=1u W=10u M2 NET4 NET4 NET1 GND nch L=1u W=10u M3 NET1 NET6 GND GND nch L=1u W=10u M=2 M4 NET3 NET3 NET5 NET5 pch L=2u W=10u M5 NET4 NET3 NET5 NET5 pch L=2u W=10u M6 NET6 NET6 GND GND nch L=1u W=2u .model nch NMOS +VERSION=3.1 +Level= 49 +Tnom=27.0 +RDC=10 RSC=10 +Nch= 2.498E+17 Tox=9E-09 Xj=1.00000E-07 +Lint=9.36e-8 Wint=1.47e-7 +Vth0= .6322 K1= .756 K2= -3.83e-2 K3= -2.612 +Dvt0= 2.812 Dvt1= 0.462 Dvt2=-9.17e-2 +Nlx= 3.52291E-08 W0= 1.163e-6 +K3b= 2.233 +Vsat= 86301.58 Ua= 6.47e-9 Ub= 4.23e-18 Uc=-4.706281E-11 +Rdsw= 650 U0= 388.3203 wr=1 +A0= .3496967 Ags=.1 B0=0.546 B1= 1 + Dwg = -6.0E-09 Dwb = -3.56E-09 Prwb = -.213 +Keta=-3.605872E-02 A1= 2.778747E-02 A2= .9 +Voff=-6.735529E-02 NFactor= 1.139926 Cit= 1.622527E-04 +Cdsc=-2.147181E-05 +Cdscb= 0 Dvt0w = 0 Dvt1w = 0 Dvt2w = 0 + Cdscd = 0 Prwg = 0 +Eta0= 1.0281729E-02 Etab=-5.042203E-03 +Dsub= .31871233 +Pclm= 1.114846 Pdiblc1= 2.45357E-03 Pdiblc2= 6.406289E-03 +Drout= .31871233 Pscbe1= 5000000 Pscbe2= 5E-09 Pdiblcb = -.234 +Pvag= 0 delta=0.01 + Wl = 0 Ww = -1.420242E-09 Wwl = 0 + Wln = 0 Wwn = .2613948 Ll = 1.300902E-10 + Lw = 0 Lwl = 0 Lln = .316394 + Lwn = 0 +kt1=-.3 kt2=-.051 +At= 22400 +Ute=-1.48 +Ua1= 3.31E-10 Ub1= 2.61E-19 Uc1= -3.42e-10 +Kt1l=0 Prt=764.3 .model pch PMOS +Level= 49 +Tnom=27.0 +RDC=30 RSC=30 +Nch= 3.533024E+17 Tox=9E-09 Xj=1.00000E-07 +Lint=6.23e-8 Wint=1.22e-7 +Vth0=-.6732829 K1= .8362093 K2=-8.606622E-02 K3= 1.82 +Dvt0= 1.903801 Dvt1= .5333922 Dvt2=-.1862677 +Nlx= 1.28e-8 W0= 2.1e-6 +K3b= -0.24 Prwg=-0.001 Prwb=-0.323 +Vsat= 103503.2 Ua= 1.39995E-09 Ub= 1.e-19 Uc=-2.73e-11 + Rdsw= 460 U0= 138.7609 +A0= .4716551 Ags=0.12 +Keta=-1.871516E-03 A1= .3417965 A2= 0.83 +Voff=-.074182 NFactor= 1.54389 Cit=-1.015667E-03 +Cdsc= 8.937517E-04 +Cdscb= 1.45e-4 Cdscd=1.04e-4 + Dvt0w=0.232 Dvt1w=4.5e6 Dvt2w=-0.0023 +Eta0= 6.024776E-02 Etab=-4.64593E-03 +Dsub= .23222404 +Pclm= .989 Pdiblc1= 2.07418E-02 Pdiblc2= 1.33813E-3 +Drout= .3222404 Pscbe1= 118000 Pscbe2= 1E-09 +Pvag= 0 +kt1= -0.25 kt2= -0.032 prt=64.5 +At= 33000 +Ute= -1.5 +Ua1= 4.312e-9 Ub1= 6.65e-19 Uc1= 0 +Kt1l=0 V1 net5 0 dc 3.3 v2 net2 0 dc 1.5 ac 1 .ac dec 10 10 1G .noise v(net4) v2 dec 10 10 1G .measure ac dc_gain_0 POINT v(net3) ARG0=1e6 .measure ac dc_gain_1 POINT v(net3) ARG0=1e8 .measure ac crossnet3 cross v(net3) val=0.6 .measure noise nft cross onoise_s val=1.3e-16 .let ac sumnet34='v(net3)+v(net4)' .measure ac sumnet34 POINT v(net3) ARG0=1e6 .param point1=0.2 point2=0.8 .measure ac slope1 cross v(net3) val='point1' .measure ac slope2 cross v(net3) val='point2' .measure ac slopenet3 expr val='abs((point2-point1)/(slope1-slope2))' .measure ac IM3 POINT i1(m3) ARG0=1e7 .end