002_2-stage_amp : Amplifier variations
Requires: SmartSpice & Smartview
Minimum Versions: SMARTSPICE 4.6.5.R
The input deck is a 2 stage amplifier with .AC and .MEASURE anlysis. Vary the model instance parameter r1[res]. You can see by changing the slider and hence the value of this resistor, how the gain/frequency response changes. This gives you a good idea of the circuit sensitivity to the variation in value of a circuit component.
Input Files
* Two stage amplifier * Input node 2, output node 9 * Rubberband parameters * r1[res] vin 2 0 ac 1 vcc 10 0 dc 15 RL 9 0 10k c1 2 3 10uf r1 3 10 200k r2 3 0 50k r5 10 4 12k q1 4 3 5 qmod r6 5 0 3 .6k c2 4 6 10uf c4 5 0 15uf r3 10 6 120k r4 6 0 30k r7 10 7 6 .8k q2 7 6 8 qmod r8 8 0 3 .6k c5 8 0 25uf c3 7 9 10uf .model qmod npn ( is=2e-16 bf=50 br=1 rb=5 rc=1 re=0 + cje =0.4e-12 vje =0.8 me=0.4 cjc =0.5e-12 vjc =0.8 ccs=1e-12 va=100) .ac dec 200 10 1G .probe vp(9) .let gain = vdb(9) .MEASURE AC MAX_GAIN MAX VM(9) .end