018_noise_plot_measure : Noise plot variations
Requires: SmartSpice & Smartview
Minimum Versions: SMARTSPICE 4.6.5.R
The input deck uses both .NOISE and .MEASURE analysis to show influences on AC noise levels.
Input Files
*** * The following deck checks measurement for the * NOISE analysis. It must be performed for * NOISES plot only. * * Created by IZ Feb 03, 1994 * *** .noise v(out3a,out4a) vin dec 10 1 10G 1 .meas noise mx max onoise_s.q.x1.q2.1overf .meas mn min onoise_s.q.x1.q2.1overf .meas wv wave onoise_s.q.x1.q2.1overf + val0=mn val1=mx fall=1 vref 20 0 2.5 vin 10 0 dc 2.5 ac 10m pulse 2 3 0 50ps 50ps 5ns 10 100 c3a out3a 0 1p c4a out4a 0 1p c3b out3b 0 1p c4b out4b 0 1p x1 10 20 out3a out4a 0 ampl1 x2 10 20 out3b out4b 0 ampl2 .subckt ampl1 1 2 3 4 gnd q1 3 1 5 gnd bjtmod m=10 q2 4 2 5 gnd bjtmod m=10 r1 6 3 500 r2 6 4 500 v1 6 gnd dc 5 i1 5 gnd dc 4m .ends .subckt ampl2 1 2 3 4 gnd q10 3 1 5 gnd bjtmod q11 3 1 5 gnd bjtmod q12 3 1 5 gnd bjtmod q13 3 1 5 gnd bjtmod q14 3 1 5 gnd bjtmod q15 3 1 5 gnd bjtmod q16 3 1 5 gnd bjtmod q17 3 1 5 gnd bjtmod q18 3 1 5 gnd bjtmod q19 3 1 5 gnd bjtmod q20 4 2 5 gnd bjtmod q21 4 2 5 gnd bjtmod q22 4 2 5 gnd bjtmod q23 4 2 5 gnd bjtmod q24 4 2 5 gnd bjtmod q25 4 2 5 gnd bjtmod q26 4 2 5 gnd bjtmod q27 4 2 5 gnd bjtmod q28 4 2 5 gnd bjtmod q29 4 2 5 gnd bjtmod r1 6 3 500 r2 6 4 500 v1 6 gnd dc 5 i1 5 gnd dc 4m .ends .model bjtmod npn + is=1.62e-17 bf=233.2 nf=1.0 + vaf=51.2 ikf=3.53e-2 + ise=6.89e-16 ne=1.735 + var=4.0 br=15.1 nr=1.00 + ikr=1.82e-3 isc=5.31e-15 nc=1.62 + rb=99.7 rbm=22.3 + re=12.3 rc=27.0 + cje=4.04e-14 vje=0.83 mje=0.356 + cjc=2.38e-14 vjc=0.6 mjc=0.167 + cjs=2.44e-14 vjs=0.6 mjs=0.124 + xcjc=0.3 fc=0.97 + tf=8.5p xtf=6.0 vtf=1.0 + itf=1.96e-2 ptf=12 tr=1.3n + eg=1.15 xti=3.0 xtb=0.7 + trb1=2.8e-3 trb2=8.0e-6 + trm1=2.8e-3 trm2=8.0e-6 + tre1=6.0e-4 tre2=1.2e-6 + trc1=1.2e-3 trc2=2.4e-6 kf=1.e-12 .end