• Analog Custom Design & Analysis Examples

    Analog Custom Design & Analysis Examples

027_DC_sweep_plus_Encryption : Diode DC analysis + Encryption

Requires: SmartSpice & Smartview

Minimum Versions: SMARTSPICE 3.38.1.R

  • DC Diode Analysis + Encrypted VA module. This diode example shows how to run a DC sweep on this device using a Simple Verilog-A model and then with an encrypted model to get the same results. This shows the power of encryption to protect IP when multiple groups collaborate on a large circuit. The final circuit uses the encrypted model to show circuit performnce but will not show internal details of the model. Encyption through "sencrypt" program can be used to encrypt for various levels from individual lines, through various heiracheal levels like subcircuits to the full input deck contents depending on user requirements. Fabs can use this to protect more sensitive information but still allow customers to run circuit simulations. The schematic shows a simple tst circuit we will use to run the simulations. Having run the analysis you will get these set of response curves plots for the different analysis of .DC .AC and .Disto run.

Simple VA module simulation: diode.in, diode.va

This shows for the limited parameter set and voltage range you can get the same response from the Verilog-A module as with the inbuilt simple diode model.

Encrypted VA module simulation; diode_encrypt.in, diode.en

The encryption was done on windows with command:

  • .......\exe\sencrypt -at -skey=silvaco diode.va diode.en

NOTE: To protect encrypted file no internal nodes are accessable to maintain confidentiality. So you can see comparing waveforms you get the same results but in the encryted case information is hidden from the user.

Input Files
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