• Analog Custom Design & Analysis Examples

    Analog Custom Design & Analysis Examples

001_SS_script : Simple Control Block to recall simulation data

Requires: SmartSpice & Smartview

Minimum Versions: SmartSpice 4.30.5.R + SmartView 2.34.3.R

The SmartSpice application allows scripting of tasks in a control block of a SmartSpice input deck and to display results in the SmartView viewer. To illustrate this in a very simple case here is how to load in previously simulated dat in a RAW file and then to change contents before resaving the RAW file with the extra components. This is obviously very useful to avoid having to resimulate the circuit again and a real benefit in time saved especially when the simulation runs fore a long time. SmartSpice has the capability to load in a simulation data RAW file so further post processing on the results can be done without the need to re-simulate the circuit. This saves time when some extra waveform extraction is required from previous simulation runs.

To run the simulation:

  • 1. Run the simulation input deck “ex2.in” in smartspice and exit. This will generate a raw file called "ex2.raw".
  • 2. Run simulation input deck “re_meas_raw.in”. This reads in the raw file “ex2.raw” and does some extra waveform analysis.
  • 3. A new file is saved “ex2_plus.raw” with the extra data results.

This can be used as a template to do more elaborate post processing analysis and SmartSpice has the capability to do script type analysis. Details can be found in the SmartSpice User’s Manual Chapter 5

Input Files
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