• Parasitic Extraction Examples

    Utmost IV Examples

17 : Use of Integration with SmartLVS for Hipex Parasitic Extraction

Minimum Required Versions: Expert 5.2307.0.R, Hipex 4.2307.0.R, SmartDRC 1.2307.0.R

Prior to performing parasitic RC extraction, Hipex executes netlist (connectivity/device) extracion. Hipex netlist extraction creates Hipex Database (HDB) serving as source of netlist-annotated geometries for RC extraction.

Alternatively to built-in netlist extractor, Hipex is capable of using extraction provided by SmartLVS program. For providing integration with Hipex, SmartLVS exports Annotated Layout Storage (ALS) in GDSII format (*_net_dump.gds file), and associated extraction rule file (*_net_dump_rule.pwr). Hipex, in turn, converts these files into HDB and Hipex technology files. This conversion enables RC-extraction and various (Spice, Dspf, etc.) netlistings.

This example shows the usage of outlined above SmartLVS-Hipex flow for parasitic extraction.


1. Perform netlist extraction using SmartLVS

- Make sure option file (*.rcf) for launching SmartLVS contains instruction: ExtractionLayoutDBOutput:"yes" ;

- Run SmartLVS with the "lvs.rcf" file to generate annotated GDSII ("sample_layout_net_dump.gds") and PWR rule ("sample_layout_net_dump_rule.pwr") files for Hipex: smartdrc -V 1.2307.0.R lvs.rcf

2. Start Expert 5.2307.0.R with Hipex 4.2307.0.R: expert -V 5.2307.0.R -lpev:4.2307.0.R

3. Import (menu File->Import... ) the file "sample.gds" (cell "sample") without any technology. If the message "Technology file is not specified. Proceed without technology?" appears, press the "Yes" button.

4. Open LPE Setup dialog (menu Verification->Extraction->Setup... ) and load (press the "Load..." button) the file "sample_setup.lpe".(This step is optional; it only saves efforts on "manual" specifying some necessary LPE settings, mentioned below).

5. Set parameters for conversion of extraction rules from SmartLVS to Hipex and creation of HDB from annotated layout:

- Select "Hipex Database (HDB) Generation" page of LPE Setup dialog (see Figure1 );

- Check the SmartLVS files box;

- Choose "sample_layout_net_dump.gds" in Annotated GDSII file selector;

- Choose "sample_layout_net_dump_rule.pwr" in Rule file selector;

- (optional) check the Update current Technology box;

6. (optional) Invoke HDB build (this can be performed automatically on parasitic extraction runs):

- Press the Create HDB button ("Hipex Database Generator" dialog appears to monitor rule conversion and HDB creation);

- Upon completion of HDB generation, press the Close button to exit "Hipex Database Generator" dialog;

7. Specify rules for parasitic extraction:

- select Technology page of LPE Setup dialog;

- choose (or make sure they chosen) external scripts ("c_tech.lisa" file for capacitance technology and "r_tech.lisa" for resistance technology);

8. Specify capacitance layer mapping:

- select Parasitic Extraction (Capacitance) page of LPE Setup dialog (see Figure2 );

- check Use external capacitance mapping checkbox in Capacitance extraction layers group;

- choose (or make sure it is specified) "sample_cmap.lisa" file in Mapping file selector;

NOTE. As alternative to using external mapping file, it is possible to make manual layer assignments using Capacitance mapping table (un-checking "Use external capacitance mapping" box). However, to use this option, HDB creation (step 5) should be executed with Update current technology checkbox ON in the Hipex Database (HDB) Generation page of LPE Setup.

9. Press the "OK" button to close the LPE Setup dialog.

10. Run RC-extraction (menu Verification->Extraction->RC->Run ), or

C-extraction ( Verification->Extraction->C->Run ), or

R-extraction ( Verification->Extraction->R->Run ), or

generate extracted netlist without parasitics ( Verification->Extraction->Netlister->SPICE Netlist ).

NOTE. If HDB wasn't created (step 6 was not performed), or deleted, or obtained using old (with no SmartLVS usage) flow, the actions listed in step 10 will be automatically preceded by rule conversions and HDB (re-)creation.

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