003_one_bit_adder : One Bit Adder Schematic Simulation
Minimum Required Versions: Gateway 2.12.10.R, SILOS 4.10.90.R
Example 3 is a one bit adder verilog design. The schematic ( schematic.png ) is shown consisting of gate level primitives and one_bit_adder.v is the resulting structural verilog netlist generated by Gateway (see one_bit_adder.v). The control file is the stimulus module that instantiates the adder design and simulates it ( one_bit_adder.ctrv). Running the design in SILOS produces the waveforms shown in Smartview ( waveforms.png ). The adder design can be folded up hierarchically to realize a larger design. By generating symbol views from schematic views, the one bit adder can be used to build a 2 bit adder ( 2bit_adder.png ), a 4 bit adder ( 4bit_adder.png ), and an 8 bit adder ( 8bit_adder.png ).
// Gateway 2.12.10.R Verilog Netlist Generator // Workspace name: Q:\examples\gateway\web\design_examples\digital\003_one_bit_adder\one_bit_adder.workspace // Simulation name: Q:\examples\gateway\web\design_examples\digital\003_one_bit_adder\one_bit_adder.schlr // Simulation timestamp: 20-Jul-2010 09:31:47 // Schematic name: one_bit_adder module one_bit_adder(a, b, c_in, c_out, sum); input a; input b; input c_in; output c_out; output sum; wire a; wire b; wire c1; wire c_in; wire c_out; wire s1; wire s2; wire sum; xor21 I1 (.A(a), .B(b), .Y(s1)); and21 I2 (.A(a), .B(b), .Y(c1)); xor21 I3 (.A(s1), .B(c_in), .Y(sum)); and21 I4 (.A(s1), .B(c_in), .Y(s2)); or21 I5 (.A(s2), .B(c1), .Y(c_out)); endmodule // End of the netlist
// stimulus to test the 1-bit adder module stimulus; reg a, b, c_in; wire sum, c_out; //instantiate adder module one_bit_adder X1(a, b, c_in, c_out, sum); //apply stimulus initial begin //test all combinations a=1'b0; b=1'b0; c_in=1'b0; #5 a=1'b0; b=1'b0; c_in=1'b1; #5 a=1'b0; b=1'b1; c_in=1'b0; #5 a=1'b0; b=1'b1; c_in=1'b1; #5 a=1'b1; b=1'b0; c_in=1'b0; #5 a=1'b1; b=1'b0; c_in=1'b1; #5 a=1'b1; b=1'b1; c_in=1'b0; #5 a=1'b1; b=1'b1; c_in=1'b1; #5 $finish; end //results initial $monitor($time, " sum = %b, a = %b, b=%b, c_in=%b", sum, a, b, c_in); endmodule