• Analog Custom Design & Analysis Examples

001_fast_draw : Fast Layout Drawing

Minimum Required Version: Expert 4.10.39.R

Layout drawing speed can be improved by limiting the size of objects and hierarchy levels. These can be set by the following options in the Setup->Editor/Viewer->Viewing page.

Hide objects smaller than [N] pixels

It improves layout drawing speed by not drawing very small objects. When a value other than zero pixel is set, it does not display objects which are smaller than the set value. If zero pixel [N=0] is set, all objects are drawn on the screen.

Draw layout for at most [N] hierarchy levels

When the hierarchy depth of display ( View->Cell View->Hierarchy Depth ) is set [depth=D], it draws hierarchy levels D, D-1, ..., D-N.

  • If [N] is set to 1 [N=1], it draws only hierarchy level D.
  • If [N] is set to zero [N=0], it draws hierarchy levels from 0 to D.

1.0. Preliminary steps to start example

Load the viewing_ex01.eld, and open the "SO05T999_ST" cell.

1.1. Draw layout options

Open Viewing page from the Setup->Editor/Viewer menu (see editor_viewer_setup.png ).

Set N=5 in the Hide objects smaller than [N] pixels. The objects smaller than five pixels will not be displayed (see hide_objects_n_5.png ).

Set N=0 in the Hide objects smaller than [N] pixels. All objects will be displayed (see hide_objects_n_0.png ).

Set N=2 in the Draw layout for at most [N] hierarchy levels and set D=4 in the hierarchy depth. The hierarchy levels from 3 to 4 will be displayed (see hierarchy_levels_n_2.png ).

Set N=1 in the Draw layout for at most [N] hierarchy levels and set D=4 in the hierarchy depth. Only the hierarchy level 4 will be displayed (see hierarchy_levels_n_1.png ).

Set N=0 in the Draw layout for at most [N] hierarchy levels and set D=4 in the hierarchy depth. The hierarchy levels from 0 to 4 will be displayed (see hierarchy_levels_n_0.png ).

Input Files
These examples are for reference only. Every software package contains a full set of examples suitable for that version and are installed with the software. If you see examples here that are not in your installation you should consider updating to a later version of the software.
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