Extraction of SPICE Model Parameters from Atlas Device Simulation Using Utmost

Many users would like to extract SPICE models from their process and device simulation using Athena and Atlas to be used in actual circuit simulation without actually fabricating the device.

Using SILVACO’s Utmost you can extract SPICE model parameters from the simulation results of Athena and Atlas.

To guide users on how to go about extracting SPICE model parameters an example which extracts BSIM3v3 model from process/device simulation is used in this article.

All these commands can be executed from a single software – DeckBuild.

The commands are heavily commented so that you know their functions and purpose.

Here we will concentrate on the Utmost batch mode commands. Here we only cover a very simple case and there is no local optimization. The UTMOST interactive mode can be used save the Utmost setup into a file. Utmost interactive cannot be executed from DeckBuild.

———– start of deckbuild commands ————-

# Commands that can be used in deckbuild to extract
# Spice model Parameters. The deck for TCAD is
# not complete . Below are examples of commands that
# maybe used in VWF Athena and Atlas to obtain the
# device characteristics


# Run process simulation

go athena

# Extract the poly length LD

extract name=”ld” thick poly y.val=0
extract name=”utmost_ld”($ld*1.0e-4)
extract thickness oxide mat.occno=1 name=”tox”
extract name=”utmost_tox” ($tox*1.0e-10)


go atlas