• Jivaro Pro

Jivaro Pro:寄生参数缩减


全球多家领先的IDM和半导体设计公司已经采用Jivaro Pro,以解决后版图仿真中日益增加的时间和资源问题。Jivaro Pro使用了专利的寄生缩减数学方法,在降低电路复杂性的同时,还能保持电路的准确性。

Jivaro Pro SPICE仿真加速

从65纳米节点到3纳米节点,Jivaro Pro对网表提取和仿真工具都没有要求,可以直接集成到任何设计流程中。与基于规则的和内嵌的寄生参数缩减的方法相比,Jivaro Pro为用户在精确度与缩减程度之间的权衡提供了高度灵活性。为了方便使用,Jivaro Pro提供自动模式功能,能够自动适应您的设计。还有超过30个可调参数,广泛控制仿真的速度和准确性。

使用Jivaro Pro,用户能够为所有应用提供单一解决方案,从容应对流程和设计类型等方面的挑战,让寄生参数缩减尽在掌握。



  • 高达15倍的布局后SPICE仿真加速
  • 轻松应用于现有流程中
  • 实现运行大型或以前不可能的仿真
  • 在仿真中考虑功耗网络和金属填充,以提高准确性
  • 可定制的寄生缩减策略,灵活满足您的目标
  • 通过更多仿真提高覆盖范围
  • 最小化所需的计算资源(即CPU和内存配置)


  • 支持R、RC、RCC、RLC、RLCK和受控源
  • 缩减温度相关的寄生网表和多角提取的网表
  • 可有选择地缩减层次结构中的网络、子电路或路径
  • 直观的配置和分析界面
  • Jivaro Pro与所有主流的EDA工具兼容

“… a full simulation on one of our blocks would run 20+ days. After using Jivaro Pro this runtime was reduced to 6 days …”

“eTopus provides ultra-high speed mixed-signal semiconductor IP for high-performance computing and data center applications. In our current FinFET design flow we were experiencing longer than expected post layout SPICE simulation runtimes, especially on the larger blocks where full simulations can run for several weeks.

We approached Silvaco with this issue and were introduced to their Jivaro Pro parasitic netlist reduction tool. We were able to easily ramp up and integrate Jivaro Pro as part of our existing design flow.

After running Jivaro Pro, we were able to significantly reduce our post-layout simulation runtime while maintaining accuracy. As an example, a full simulation on one of our blocks would run 20+ days. After using Jivaro Pro this runtime was reduced to 6 days while maintaining the designer’s accuracy requirements. This 2 – 3X speedup saved us weeks of simulation time and substantially increased our engineering productivity which helps ensure our time to market goals.”

Harry Chan, Founder and CEO
