Simulation Standard

A New CMOS Simulation Template: Addressing Advanced Diffusion and Annealing Effects
As the scaling of CMOS devices continues, the accuracy requirements for simulating ion implantation and diffusion processes have become increasingly stringent.

虚拟量测新工具简介:Victory Extract
Victory Extract是Silvaco在2024基准版本软件中推出的一个新工具,它统一了几款软件中的提取工具(DeckBuild的extract、Victory Process的extract3d和Victory Mesh的extract3d),并引入了一些新的量测功能。

我们将在本期为您介绍一种基于DPT的仿真方法,来研究IGBT器件的瞬态开关特性。文章还提供了一套使用Silvaco TCAD仿真工具评估功率器件开关特的标准模板和方法,所用的仿真代码可参考2024基准版本的示例Silicon_Power_ex17。

2024 TCAD基准版本软件发布
- 第一部分:Victory Process——2024基准版本中的新功能
- 第二部分:Victory Device——2024基准版本中的新功能
- 第三部分:Victory DoE——2024基准版本中的新功能

How Can I Re-Use Individual Monte-Carlo 3D Implant Profiles?
It is often the case that a design of experiments (DOE) is required to optimize the performance of a particular device. Sometimes this simply means tweaking the implant dose for threshold voltage or other minor adjustments, but in other cases it can mean tweaking such things as high energy deep well implants.

Comparison of Models for Fluorine Effect on Dopant Diffusion in CMOS Processes
Recently a new diffusion model was introduced to Victory Process: the CMOS model. This model aims at taking on the challenges brought by the specificities of CMOS device processing such as steep temperature ramps, short annealings or shallow implantations.