Electrically Controlled Silicon-based Photonic Crystal Chromatic Dispersion Compensator with Ultra Low Power Consumption

Ching Eng Pnga,*, Gi Ho Parka, Soon Thor Lima, Er Ping Lia,
Aaron J. Dannerb, Kensuke Ogawac, Yong Tsong Tanc,
a Advanced Photonics and Plasmonics, IHPC, A*Star, 1 Science Park Rd, #01-01, Singapore 117528.
b Department of ECE, National University of Singapore, 4 Engineering. Drive 3, Singapore 117576
c Optics and Electronics Lab., Fujikura Ltd, 1440 Mutsuzaki, Sakura, Chiba, 285-8550, Japan


We show full 3-Dimensional (3D) electrical and optical simulation of a tunable silicon-based Photonic Crystal (PhC) Chromatic Dispersion Compensator (CDC) with high power efficiency and ultra-low power consumption (114nW), operating at a speed of 40.5MHz. The device exploits a structure where the optical field maximum is not in a PhC waveguide, but rather in a hybrid Si3N4/Si/SiO2 structure that will allow greater ease of fiber coupling due to larger mode size and reduced loss. The CDC is broadband, and produces constant 2nd order chromatic dispersion over an optical communication band such as C-band.