• Simulation Standard Technical Journal

Simulation Standard

Technical Journal

A Journal for Process and Device Engineers

Design Version Control System for Expert

The DVCS subsystem of CELEBRITY CAD suite provides significant improvement in management of complex designs, design reuse and teamwork management. The most important features of DVCS are the means for version tracking and team design coordination.

Hints, Tips, and Solutions February 2000

Q. When I simulate my process flow the simulated profile is always lower than the SRP measurements. What could be causing this? A. In many simulated process flows the surface oxide is etched completely off after which there may be some diffusion cycles.

Using Luminous to Model the Transient Response of a Silicon Charge Collection and Transfer Structure

The rapid evolution of modern photonic devices in digital photographic and detection systems creates a need for physically-based simulation of charge collection and transfer. In this article we show the linearity, spatial sensitivity, and spectral response of a generalized silicon pixel structure using the Luminous module of the ATLAS device simulator.

Calibrated and Predictive Simulation of Doping Profiles: Low Energy As, B and BF2 Ion Implantation

This article will present an efficient and original methodology for global and predictive modeling of low energy Boron, BF2 and Arsenic ion implantation, in the suitable range for sub-100nm CMOS technology.

QUEST – Extraction of Frequency Dependent R, L, C, and G Transmission Line Models

A primary use of QUEST is intended to be for extracting frequency dependent transmission line models for use in SPICE circuit simulations. The generation of SPICE parameters for transmission line models is becoming increasingly important as clock speeds approach and exceed the 1 GHz frequency range.

Hints, Tips, and Solutions April 2000

Q. How can I extract VBIC bipolar model parameters using UTMOST III? A. UTMOST III Bipolar module can be utilized to extract and optimize the VBIC model parameters for bipolar devices.