A New CMOS Simulation Template: Addressing Advanced Diffusion and Annealing Effects

As the scaling of CMOS devices continues, the accuracy requirements for simulating ion implantation and diffusion processes have become increasingly stringent.

Introduction to Virtual Metrology with Victory Extract

Victory Extract is a new tool for the 2024 baseline release. Victory Extract unifies the older extraction offerings from DeckBuild (extract), Victory Process (extract3d) and Victory Mesh (extract3d) and introduces some newer metrology features.

IGBT Switching Simulation Based on the Double-Pulse Method

This article introduces a DPT-based simulation method to perform the transient switching characteristics of an IGBT device. It also provides standard templates for power device switching characteristics and performance assessment using Silvaco TCAD simulation tools. The deck used for this article can be found in Silicon_Power_ex17 of the 2024 Baseline.
Sim Std Aug 2024

2024 TCAD Baseline Release

  • Section 1: Process Simulation – New Features in 2024 Baseline Release
  • Section 2: Device Simulation – New Features in 2024 Baseline Release
  • Section 3: Victory DoE – New Features in 2024 Baseline Release

How Can I Re-Use Individual Monte-Carlo 3D Implant Profiles?

It is often the case that a design of experiments (DOE) is required to optimize the performance of a particular device.  Sometimes this simply means tweaking the implant dose for threshold voltage or other minor adjustments, but in other cases it can mean tweaking such things as high energy deep well implants.

Comparison of Models for Fluorine Effect on Dopant Diffusion in CMOS Processes

Recently a new diffusion model was introduced to Victory Process: the CMOS model. This model aims at taking on the challenges brought by the specificities of CMOS device processing such as steep temperature ramps, short annealings or shallow implantations.
SS April 2023

Setting up the Wafer Orientation: Applications to Ion Implantation

Properly setting the wafer orientation in Victory Process (VP) is critical for various processes such as ion implantation, etching, and deposition. For ion implantation in particular, the determination of the wafer orientation becomes crucial, given its profound impact on profile variations in channeling and non-channeling directions.

Optoelectronic Component Design for Photonic Integrated Circuits

Photonic integrated circuits (PICs) are a key enabling technology for a broad range of current and next-generation products. Combining semiconductor materials and manufacturing processes common to microelectronics with the encoding, transmission and detection of light, PICs are transforming communication in datacenters by bringing bandwidth closer to compute cores, and are accelerating emerging applications like LiDAR for autonomy and quantum computing for the future of information processing.
SS Feb 2024

Advanced TCAD Modeling of HfO2-based ReRAM: Coupling Redox Reactions and Thermal Effects

This paper presents a TCAD modeling approach for HfO2-based ReRAM (Resistive Random Access Memory). For describing the switching and retention behaviors of a ReRAM cell, the proposed model includes the essential redox reactions coupled to an electron transport model and to heat generation. The effects of various parameters such as sweep time, and device geometry on the switching behavior are investigated. Simulation results demonstrate that thermal management is crucial both for the reliable operation of ReRAM cells and retention. The proposed TCAD model provides insight into the design and optimization of HfO2-based ReRAM devices.

Numerical Algorithm to Perform Viscoelastic Analysis

Numerical Algorithm to Perform Viscoelastic Analysis Viscous materials exhibit both viscous and elastic characteristics when undergoing deformation. The response of such materials to force is characterized by two distinct phases. The materials first deform instantaneously akin to elastic materials. Following on, the material continues to deform at a relatively slower time scale. Typically, materials undergoing thermal treatment exhibit viscoelastic properties.