エントリー - Ingrid Schwarz

3D Simulation of Ion Milling for Mass Storage Applications

The ion milling process is used extensively in the Hard Disc Drive industry, particularly in the manufacture of thin film magnetic heads. Ion milling is used to pattern many metal and dielectric materials including alloys comprising of Fe, Co and/or Ni transition metals which are commonly found in a thin film magnetic read-write transducers. This paper presents new results for ion milling and redeposition of gold on photoresist patterns at different milling angles and compared with 3D process simulation results.

Self-Heating effect Simulation of GaN HFET Devices – 4H-SiC and Sapphire Substrate Comparison

GaN-based Hetero-Field Effect Transistors have been investigated in high power and high frequency electronics devices. However, such improved performance is still subject to influence of surface and buffer traps. The role and dynamics of traps and their effect on the GaN HFET have already been investigated [1]. In addition to the formation of the 2DEG, an adequate numerical model of device charge control implies proper modulation of the 2DEG in ATLAS [2].

Modeling of GaInP/GaAs DualJunction Solar Cells Including Tunnel Junction

This paper presents research efforts conducted at the IESUPM in the development of an accurate, physically-based solar cell model using the general-purpose ATLAS device simulator by Silvaco. Unlike solar cell models based on a combination of discrete electrical components, this novel model extracts the electrical characteristics of a solar cell based on virtual fabrication of its physical structure, allowing for direct manipulation of materials, dimensions, and dopings. As single junction solar cells simulation was yet achieved, the next step towards advanced simulations of multi-junction cells (MJC) is the simulation of the tunnel diodes, which interconnect the subcells in a monolithic MJC. The first results simulating a Dual-Junction (DJ) GaInP/GaAs solar cells are shown in this paper including a complete Tunnel Junction (TJ) model and the resonant cavity effect occurring in the bottom cell. Simulation and experimental results were compared in order to test the accuracy of the models employed.

Hints, Tips, and Solutions June 2000

Q: To simplify netlist extraction, I specify one kind of diffusion resistors in my layout by means of a special resistor definition layer. To my surprise, the extracted value for one such resistor always exactly twice the value I expected, no matter how I stretch this resistor.

Parametric-Cells Implementation in Expert

A parameterized cell (P-Cell) is a cell with user-specified parameters. It is possible to create customized p-cell instances with different composition according to parameter values. Using P-Cells gives a considerable memory reduction in the case of multiple instancing of a cell.

Dragon DRC: Performance Improvement Techniques

Dragon DRC is a new advanced hierarchical DRC system. The design principles this system is based on are carefully selected to ensure that Dragon DRC will deliver maximum performance in different execution environments. Designed as a highly adaptive and truly hierarchical DRC system, Dragon is able to execute DRC scripts much faster than any flat DRC system in most real-life cases.

Maverick and Guardian – Enhancements

The latest release of Layout versus Schematic tools from CELEBRITY CAD suite (Maverick full-chip parametric netlist extractor and Guardian hierarchical netlist comparator) delivers a number of significant advances. The engines of both tools were tuned up to achieve essential reduction of running time while processing huge designs.

Hints, Tips, and Solutions February 2000

Q. When I simulate my process flow the simulated profile is always lower than the SRP measurements. What could be causing this? A. In many simulated process flows the surface oxide is etched completely off after which there may be some diffusion cycles.

Using Luminous to Model the Transient Response of a Silicon Charge Collection and Transfer Structure

The rapid evolution of modern photonic devices in digital photographic and detection systems creates a need for physically-based simulation of charge collection and transfer. In this article we show the linearity, spatial sensitivity, and spectral response of a generalized silicon pixel structure using the Luminous module of the ATLAS device simulator.