2020 TCAD Baseline Release
Section 2: Meshing – New Features in 2020 Baseline Release

Section 2: Meshing – New Features in 2020 Baseline Release

The 2020 TCAD baseline version of Victory Mesh contains various new features and enhancements relating to refinement of device meshes, solid modelling, mesh optimization, and extension of input/output capabilities.

2.1 Device Refinement
2.2 Solid Modelling
2.3 Surface Optimization
2.4 Input/Output

2.1 Device Refinement

Previous versions of Victory Mesh provide a range of Delaunay refinement schemes that could target structure data produced directly by Victory Process. A number of these schemes relied on the presence of a Cartesian grid on which the doping scalar fields would be defined, such as the junction and impurity refinement. In addition to this, Victory Mesh now supports the loading and refinement of individual structure files which include arbitrary scalar data, such as those produced by Victory Device. This allows refinement on device quantities to accelerate and enhance convergence of simulations.

Victory Mesh also includes a new Delaunay refinement scheme based on the integral of the gradient of a scalar field over a mesh element. This increases the mesh density where the scalar field is varying most quickly with the result of equalising this gradient measurement on elements of the mesh. This leads to improved results in device simulation where the scalar field is chosen to be
one which is important for convergence.