SURGE Virtual Event Japan 2022

開催日時:2022/11/15 13:00 (JST)
SURGE (Silvaco UseRs Global Event)とは、シルバコが開催するワールドワイドのイベントです。



シルバコ・ジャパン ジェネラルマネージャ 亀田 直人
Silvaco, Inc.​ CEO and Board Member Dr. Babak Taheri
基調講演 半導体産業政策と日本の半導体復権の道
MTエレクトロリサーチ 田口 眞男様
TCADマネージャ 大田 一樹
Performance improvement for Cu interconnects by SAM and ELD technologies
東京エレクトロン株式会社 菊地 裕樹様
神奈川工科大学 教授 工藤 嗣友様
IPビジネスユニット シニア・アプリケーションエンジニア 樫村 薫
Implementing Debug for I3C(英語)

Ashish Senapati, Platform Debug Architect, Intel

Standard Cells and I/O Library Optimization and Validation(英語)

Nur Liyana Binti Jasn, IP Staff Engineer, SilTerra Malaysia Sdn. Bhd

X-FABプロセスとPDKサポート、Silvaco PDK
X-FAB Japan Field Application Engineering マネージャー 難波 健治様
株式会社半導体エネルギー研究所 システム開発部門リーダー 石川 信様
スタッフアプリケーションエンジニア 山本 順彦
ACDシニア・アプリケーションエンジニア 長谷川 敦
エンジニアリングマネージャ 桑垣 武司

Atoms to Systems

Speaker Bio:

Dr. Babak Taheri, Chief Executive Officer and Board Member
Silvaco, Inc.

Babak Taheri is the CEO and Member of the Board of Directors at Silvaco Group, a leading provider of TCAD, EDA, and design IP software. He began his career at Silvaco as chief technical officer and executive vice-president of products. He also has been the CEO / president of IBT working with investors, private equity firms, and startups on M&A, technology, and business diligence.

While at IBT, he served on advisory boards of MEMS World Summit, Novasentis, AGCM, ALEA labs, Lion Point Capital, and Silver Lake. Prior to IBT, he was the VP & GM of the sensor solutions division at Freescale semiconductor (now NXP).

Babak was the recipient of “The Perfect Project Award” in 2003 while at Cypress; Twice recipient of the “Diamond Chip Award” in 2013 /14 while at Freescale; recipient of the MEMS & Sensors executive of the year award in 2014, and in 2015 was the recipient of the Distinguished Engineering Alumni Medal from UC. Davis College of Engineering, where he is on the advisory board to the college. Dr. Taheri served as a member of the governing council on ESDA Alliance from 2019 to 2021 and served on the board of Parisi House on The Hill from June 2021 to May 2022.

He has held VP/GM roles at Cypress Semiconductors, Invensense (now TDK) and key roles at SRI International and Apple. Babak received his Ph.D. in biomedical engineering from UC Davis with majors in EECS and Neurosciences. He has over 20 published articles and holds over 30 issued patents. His most recent published book in 2021 is titled “Artificial Sensors Shape the Six Pillars of Our Lives”.

基調講演 半導体産業政策と日本の半導体復権の道



MTエレクトロリサーチ 田口 眞男様

1976年に富士通研究所に入社とともに半導体デバイスの研究に従事。1988年から富士通で先端DRAMの開発・設計に従事。メモリーセル、高速入出力回路や電源回路などアナログ系の回路を手掛ける。2003年、富士通・AMDによる合弁会社FASL LLCのChief Scientistとなり米国開発チームを率いてReRAM(抵抗変化型メモリー)技術の開発に従事。2007年からSpansion Japan代表取締役社長、2009年には会社更生のため経営者管財人を拝受。エルピーダメモリ技術顧問を経て2011年10月より慶応義塾大学特任教授、2017年4月より同大学の先端科学技術研究センター研究員。技術開発とコンサルティングを請け負うMTElectroResearchを主宰。

Performance improvement for Cu interconnects by SAM and ELD technologies



東京エレクトロン株式会社 菊地 裕樹様





神奈川工科大学 教授 工藤 嗣友様

1998年 東北学院大学大学院工学研究科博士前期課程修了
1998年 大日本LSIデザイン(株)入社
2005年 九州工業大学大学院情報工学研究科博士後期課程終了
同年 神奈川工科大学 工学部 電気電子工学科助手 その後、助教、准教授を経て2021年同大学 工学部 電気電子情報工学科 教授




株式会社半導体エネルギー研究所 システム開発部門リーダー 石川 信様


X-FABプロセスとPDKサポート、Silvaco PDK

シリコンファウンダリとしてのX-FABのプロセスとデザインサポートについて紹介いたします。また、現在のX-FABプロセスにおけるSilvaco PDKのサポート状況について説明いたします。


X-FAB Japan Field Application Engineering マネージャー 難波 健治様

2009年、X-FAB Japan入社。以降FAEとして従事し現在に至る。

Ashish Senapati

Implementing Debug for I3C


The Debug for I3C interface – Simplified Address-Mapped (SAM) debug add-on, is designed to allow for debug, trace, and perform test/failure analysis using an I3C peripheral. Using existing SCL and SDA pins of the I3C bus, it facilitates data transfer between the application and the peripheral that is being debugged. In this presentation, we discuss the details SAM debug add-on IP and connection to popular debug trace adapters such as ARM DAP, ARM-ETM/SWO, JTAG-TAP, RISC-V DMI/DM.


Ashish Senapati, Platform Debug Architect

Ashish Senapati is a Platform Debug Architect working in Client Computing Group at Intel Corporation. He has 10 years of experience as an SOC Architect for low power 8-bit microcontrollers and high performance wireless microcontrollers at Microchip Technology Inc. Prior to that he worked for 3+ years in application development using microcontrollers and FPGAs for CES demos and proof of concept designs for Altera (Intel), Microchip and Freescale (NXP).

Nur Liyana Binti Jasni

Standard Cells and I/O Library Optimization and Validation


As an active semiconductor foundry, process or technology development and enhancement is frequent. To meet and verify the enhancement on library, library optimization and validation is needed.

In this presentation, we will share the challenges of optimizing and validating different libraries, and demonstrate how Cello, Viola and SmartSpice contribute in a unique, dynamic way to realize the optmization and validation, which ultimately results in reducing library development and validation time even though we have limited man power/resources.


Nur Liyana Binti Jasn, IP Staff Engineer
SilTerra Malaysia Sdn. Bhd

Ms. Nur Liyana Binti Jasni is an IP Staff Engineer with SilTerra focusing on Standard Cell and I/O library development and silicon validation for over 11 years. Ms. Nur Liyana Binti Jasni holds a Bachelor of Science in Electronics & Computer Engineering from Hanyang University, South Korea.