Hints, Tips and Solutions

Q. How can I extract VBIC bipolar model parameters using UTMOST III?

A. UTMOST III Bipolar module can be utilized to extract and optimize the VBIC model parameters for bipolar devices.

The VBIC model extraction strategy is similar to the Gummel-Poon model parameter extraction. For DC modeling the measured data should be collected using routines “RC_sat” (For RC and RE extraction), and ALL_DC (forward and reverse characteristics should be collected). The RB extraction can be accomplished using the DC or AC methods. However the extracted RB results usually requires further optimization.

The user should load the VBIC model parameters and their default values using the “Spice Model File”. The Spice Model File is located under the working directory of “UTMOST III version of 16.3.0.R the Spice Model File name would be: