Expert: Layout Versus Layout (LVL) Comparison


The functionality Silvaco’s Layou Editor, Expert, has recently been expanded with the new feature called Layout Versus Layout comparison (LVL) .

LVL is available as a separate window called by menu commands:

– Verification/”Layout vs. Layout (LVL)”

– View/”Dock Windows”/ ”Layout vs. Layout (LVL)”

It is also possible to open an LVL window from the cell context menu in “Project Tree” window by clicking the right mouse button on any two selected cells.

LVL functionality is also used in the “Cell Name Collision” window which is opened if there are cell name collisions during cell import/copy operations.

LVL Window

After an LVL window is opened and two cells are selected for comparison, user can use seven different buttons to display the differences between these cells.

“A xor B”– works like the symmetric difference (logical XOR)
“A – B”– works like the set difference (logical DIFF)
“B – A”– works like the set difference (logical DIFF)
“A or B”– works like the union (logical OR)
“A and B”– works like the intersection (logical AND)
“A”– displays cell A
“B”– displays cell B

“Compare (A xor B)” button works the same way as “A xor B” but it always clears all cache information calculated in the previous comparisons.