• Simulation Standard Technical Journal

Simulation Standard

Technical Journal

A Journal for Process and Device Engineers

New Built-in Dichotomic Search Algorithm in Smartspice

General purpose dichotomic search method is often requested by designers when they want to find a specific element (voltage, current, parameter value ...) in an already sorted set. For example, a typical problem that makes extensive use of this kind of algorithm is the computation of setup and hold time for cell characterization. This problem was already discussed in two articles [1] and [2] and a solution was proposed with the use of the SmartSpice Script Language and .MODIF statement.

PHILIPS Model 9 New MM9 Extraction Routine in UTMOST III

Philips Level 9 model is widely used as an accurate deep submicron CMOS model. The model is physical, and as such lands itself to accurate extraction methodologies.

HINTS & TIPS – December 1998

Q: I took the example file mux4.gds from Expert's installation and tried the Edit-in-place operation. I entered into an instance of mux1, modified a box in it and exited from EIP. There are options to change the edited cell and to save instance under another cell name.

LISA Powerful Script language for Expert

This article introduces the LISA (Language for Interfacing Silvaco Applications) command language and gives an overview of LISA features.

Expert Expanded with Client-Server Project/Library Management

The Expert layout processor v.2.0 introduces a client-server system for managing large projects in multiuser design environments. This system is a significant improvement and enhances productivity by providing concurrent access to the same design data by several designers while maintaining data integrity and ensuring security for intellectual property.

HINTS & TIPS – November 1998

Q: How can anti-reflective coatings be modeled when simulating photodetectors in ATLAS/Luminous? How can detection efficiency be plotted?A: Earlier version of ATLAS were able to handle refraction and reflection of rays during the optical simulation in Luminous.