• Simulation Standard Technical Journal

Simulation Standard Technical Journal

A Journal for Process and Device Engineers

Expert: Wiring

The wiring tool in Expert automatically creates the shortest wire connecting two points specified by the user. The created wire goes around any existing layout objects. It may lie in multiple layers (multi-wire) if the source and target points are on different layers or if the wire is shorter than the alternative single-layer wire case.

I have to send copies of my project layout to different members of my group

Q. I have to send copies of my project layout to different members of my group, but they need to see only specific layers of the layout. How can I provide them only the required layers without having to alter my project?

Expert: Layout Versus Layout (LVL) Comparison

IntroductionThe functionality Silvaco’s Layou Editor, Expert, has recently been expanded with the new feature called Layout Versus Layout comparison (LVL).LVL is available as a separate window called by menu commands:

New Parasitic Capacitance Modeling in Hipex-C

In deep submicron technology, conduction layers have widths much smaller than their thicknesses (see Figure 1). This makes edge parasitic capacitance effects more dominant than plate capacitance.In a multi-body system, neighboring conductors may capture some or all of the electrical fields lines emanating from a particular conductor. These field lines would otherwise terminate else where. This phenomenon is called charge sharing, which plays an important role in modeling parasitic capacitances.

Capacitance Coupling Calculation of IPS mode TFT-LCD Using Clever

The increasing demand of the TFT-LCD industry has lead to a rapid growth in display size and resolution. The higher cell packing density results in a narrowing viewing angle and image degradation due to electrical coupling between the data bus lines and display electrodes. This “crosstalk” therefore becomes a serious limitation. The in-plane switching(IPS) mode has been used as an excellent technology solution for realizing extremely wide viewing angles.

Can Athena get the STRESS in Compound Advanced material?

Q: Can ATHENA get the STRESS in Compound Advanced material?A: The ATHENA STRESS command has been augmented to allow the 2 Dimensional stress distribution. To get the STRESS, the simple SiO2/GaAs/AlGaAs Optical waveguide was considered.