Scholar: An Enhanced Multi-Platform Schematic Capture


One of the main features of modern complex CAD systems consists in the ability to support the schematic capture function that provides a user with convenient design entry. In our opinion, a perfect schematic capture subsystem (SC) possesses the following features that differ it from other graphic intensive CAD tools such as layout editors:

    • The main attention in schematic capture is given to effective user service and convenience support while the problem of large amount graphical information processing is not so acute. It is solved by dividing a cell schematic into pages.

  • Owing to schematic capture software supports a design entry and provides the user with a graphical interface; it should be considered as a design representation hub. Therefore, access from SC user interface to other design aspects (layout, netlist, simulation results, etc.), cross-probing these aspects, schematic driven IC design, and other schematic related functionality should be supported.