Hints, Tips and Solutions
How can I do local conformal mesh refinement in Victory Process?
The Victory Process conformal export is generated from the volume planes specified in a user deck. The accuracy and resolution of the export is currently controlled by these planes. Local refinement gives a further level of user control that allows the mesh density to be increased near regions of interest. We now support: interface, junction, box and global refinement schemes. These refinement schemes behave similarly to the Delaunay export, with the exception that the distance parameter is calculated automatically. This is necessary since the conformal nature of the mesh would be lost if the wrong distance is used.
Conformal refinement is achieved by subdividing an element into eight. The element ‘shape’ is maintained by the subdivision. In the case of a path simplex within the conformal mesh (six tetrahedra forming a cube), a single level of refinement will create 48 new elements. These new elements will form eight smaller path simplices, where each cube is now 1/8 of the original cubes’ volume.