Hints, Tips and Solutions

Movie and PDF Report Generation with the DeckBuild GUI


In this article we will emphasize two new features of the DeckBuild deck editing environment. These are the movie creation on the one hand and the creation of PDF reports on the other. The latest version of DeckBuild allows you to use recorded history points to prepare movies and PDF reports of a simulation flow. We will start by first illustrating the basic history creation and script execution mechanism, followed by pointing out the creation of movies. After that, we will demonstrate how to create a customized PDF report out of your simulation flow.

DeckBuild is an input deck file development environment within which all of Silvaco’s TCAD and several other EDA products can run. One of the advanced features of DeckBuild includes the storing of intermediate results of a simulation flow. This is called recording a history of the simulation. The history feature does not only allow you to restart a previously run simulation at arbitrary points in the deck, it is also possible to hook up and run post-processing scripts to history points. The scripts allow for converting the simulation state into PNG images or to prepare cuts through the structure and save them as PNG. Basically, any other Silvaco or system tool can be utilized this way.