
기생성분 분석 및 디버깅
Viso Parasitic Analyzer and Debugger
Viso는 나노미터 공정에서 회로의 성능에 결정적인 영향을 미치는 RC 기생 네트워크의 전기적 특성을 분석합니다. 이러한 영향은 회로의 게인, 지연, 최대 클럭 속도, 교차 결합, ESD 보호 수준 및 기타 특징에 영향을 끼쳐, 설계에 손상을 일으킬 수 있습니다.

기생성분 감축 및 분석
Jivaro is a unique stand-alone solution dedicated to the reduction of parasitic networks. It helps back-end verification teams speed up post-layout SPICE simulation of huge extracted parasitic circuits, while keeping high accuracy.Viso analyzes the electrical properties of RC parasitic networks which crucially impact circuit behavior in nanometer processes. These impacts affect circuit gain, delay, maximum clock rate, cross-coupling, level of ESD protection and other features, which can cripple a design. Viso’s parasitics-focused approach enables quick analysis of interconnect in order to pinpoint problems. It provides timing estimation and accurate comparison of different extracted netlists.Belledonne is used for layout comparison via extracted netlist. It compares two different extracted netlists and is mainly used for layout parasitic extraction (LPE) flow qualification.