Simulation of a Bipolar Junction Transistor Under High and Low Current Injection Conditions
Semiconductor devices such as bipolar power transistors and solar cells may operate over a range of optical or electrical injection levels. In some cases of high injection, this may result in the occurrence of an electron-hole plasma somewhere in the device. For reliable device simulations, TCAD models need to cover the range of operating conditions and have models which depend on carrier densities, electric field, dopant densities, trap densities, and temperature. For the carrier mobilities, a Silvaco Device Simulator has several models that work well for high doping levels and high free carrier densities. For Shockley-Read-Hall carrier recombination, a Silvaco Device Simulator has a range of options for trying to include the dependence of the recombination lifetimes on dopant densities, and one model to include the dependence on carrier density [1]. At very high carrier concentrations, however, the dominant carrier recombination mechanism is Auger recombination.