エントリー - Gigi Boss

A Comprehensive Oxide-Based ReRAM TCAD Model with Experimental Verification

Abstract—During the last few years, oxide-based ReRAM technology has attracted intense industrial and scientific research interest. Therefore, we have performed an in-depth computational study with a focus on data retention besides the resistive switching and the current run-away. Our newly developed comprehensive TCAD (Technology Computer Aided Design) model provides deep insight into the underlying microscopic processes and is validated against experimental data as an accurate and predictive simulation tool.

iDEAL Semiconductor、次世代高効率パワー・デバイスの開発にシルバコの Victory TCADソリューションを採用

カリフォルニア州サンタクララ発 – 2021年9月2日 – Silvaco Group, Inc.(以下シルバコ)は、本日iDEAL Semiconductorが、次世代の高効率パワー・デバイスの研究開発を加速するために、シルバコのVictory TCAD ソリューションを採用したことを発表しました。

Simulation of Silicon and Perovskite Based Tandem Solar Cells Using TCAD


Achieve Your Display Design Performance Edge Through Precision Parasitic Extraction
